May 06, 2010

Design Project 1

We had, for the last 5 months, two design classes. Working with Emily Wood from Reg Design, we had an assignment entitled "Everyone I've ever known". It seems ambitious - well, it is. We had to collect data about the people we had encounter in our life (some made a list of 2000, I stopped at 150), then categorise and finally illustrate the information about them.

Along my collection period, I kept asking myself how to define the people I’ve known. How come I remember them, why are they important to me? So my project became articulated around the values I share with them or those I admire from them.

The tag cloud imposed itself as a representation of importance of the value, the shape of a chain of little men holding hands became a symbol of sharing. There even was a chain coming out of the poster (as shown below). But, I still have an issue with colour. It still doesn’t feel right… Well, it just proves that I’m not an art director (yet). ;-)

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